Sian Photo Essay

Friday, 25 September 2009

Photo Basics


Single Lens Reflex

Shutter Speed-

The slower the shutter speed the more light

The Faster the shutter speed the less light

1second-1/1000 seconds

Depth of field (DOF) -

The lower the F number the smaller the depth of field the larger the hole in the camara

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Tate Morden

Goats Skull, bottle and candle
Pablo Picsso
I like this painting becuase you have to look closely for the image amungest the shapes

The Snail
Henri Matisse
Becuase it looks like a 5 year old did it, and it dosent look like a snail.

Henri Matisse, The Snail, 1953

Friday, 18 September 2009

My Photography

At the moment i sort of photos that i take are usally holidays, days out and parties. Photography means that i have memories of places i have been to. I take these photos useing either my camara or my mobile phone.